It gave me a very strange feeling. Only 24 hours ago I was wasting my nerves in a typical moscow traffic jam, breathing gasoline and led. Tonight, I was walking on the stones around Poseidon Temple, built 500 years BC. Looking at the sea from the same very cliff that Egeus (I'm not sure how it is spelled correctly), father of Theseus, defeater of Minoutaurus, had been standing on some couple of thousand years ago looking for the ship with black or white sails. They turned out to be black, so he took a dive from that cliff - though he didn't have to.
Seeing Greece as it is today really makes one think about how irrelevant all human power and arrogance is before the face of time. Civilizations rise and fall, and only marble temples remain to remind us of the glory that used to be.
Don't take it too serious.
Traffic is universal. I was just reading a column/chat on Washington Post's website. It's just funny how you can a start a conversation about the weather and traffic no matter where you are in this world.
Well, i guess, not really. I've seen lots of places where traffic is a joke and places with no traffic at all. I don't imagine myself speaking about traffic to a person from a place like this.
Large cities, yes, absolutely.
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