Friday, June 03, 2005

Gastronomical paradox

Greek salad in Greece looks just the same as it does in Moscow. Same cucumbers, tomatos, cheese, olive oil, green stuff... It even tastes the same. Only much better.

On the other hand, MacDonalds Cheeseburger in the States is significantly worse than it's counterpart in Moscow.

I find it highly ironic.


Rythin said...

"Do you know how they call a quarter-pounder with cheese?"
"Don't they call it a quarter-pounder with cheese?"
"McRoyale with cheese."
"McRoyale with cheese. Why?"
"Because of the fucked metric system."

A one-million-dollars question - what film is this quote from?

And BTW, I have seen a "Warsawian coffee" being sold in Moscow. It is a normal coffee with a lemon and lots of sugar. I can assure you no mental-healthy Pole would drink such thing.

Me said...

Never tried this kind. But sounds terrible :)

And of course, it is Pulp fiction. Will you do a wire transfer or send a check? ;)

Rythin said...

Hmm, can I pay it in hot blonde chicks? :)